All About Me
Hello my name is Kalolaine and I am 10 years old and my date of birth is February 15 2004 and also, I am a girl.
I am named after my Nana who passed away on 22 May 2014. I am a Tongan and I was born in New Zealand. I live with my Aunt because my Mum died when I was 1 year old. I live with 9 people in our house and 3 in our other house, in Glen Innes Auckland.
My favourite things I like to do is to listen to music, play sports, and read books too. My favourite kind of music I like to listen to is Hip Hop and Rock songs. My favourite singers are Kirstie Maldonado, Scott Hoying. My favourite movies are R.I.P.D.,Princess Diaries.
My favourite programme is Victorious.
My Favourite foods are Butter Chicken with bread and also my favourite sport is Netball. My favourite colour is yellow my favourite brand is vans. I am a sensitive person but I always like laughing. I hope you enjoyed my story about All about me.